How To Truly See Angels And Command Their Assistance In Every Area Of Your Life!

Gain an unfair advantage in your walk with God by communicating with and encountering ministering spirits that will support you every step of the way.

Prophet Passion Java, realizing his supernatural ability to see and engage with angels from a young age, dedicated his life to the mission of winning souls for Christ. To fulfill this purpose, he developed a dynamic curriculum aimed at empowering and equipping God's people with the knowledge and tools necessary to utilize the resources ordained by God.

Here's Why You Need To Get This Course Now! You'll Be Able To:

  • Understand the Different Types of Angels (Learn about the various classifications and hierarchies of angels.)

  • Discover the Names of Angels

  • Identify and establish a personal relationship with your guardian angel.

    and so much more!

Diving Deep Into The Angelic Realm

  • Seven Powerful Modules, So you Can Understand Who Angels Really Are And What That Means For You And Your Life.

    • Module 1: The Untold Truth: What Are Angels?

    • Module 2: How To Connect With Angels?

    • Module 3: Discover The Purpose Of Angels?

    • Module 4: Prophetic Impartation: The Grace To See Angels

    • Module 5: Hidden Secrets Of The Angelic Realm

    • Module 6: The Ministry of Angels Part I

    • Module 7: The Ministry of Angles Part II: Warrior Angels

    • 7 Angelic Realm Study Guides - Designed To Help You Study and Meditate On The Angelic Realm

    • Academy Quizzes: Check On Your Learning And Prepare You

  • How To Know Your Angel, So You Can Unlock And Operate Within Your Assignment

  • How To See Your Angel, So You Can Increase your Faith And Have a True Encounter.

Bonus Included:

  • How To Attract The Highest Rank Angel, So you can directly manifiest what you need now!

Normally: $444

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• All Rights Reserved.

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